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Monza Rally Show [01 - 03 December] - From Lesmo and Biassono-Lesmo-Parco to Race track [english version]

It is 39 years that in the last week of November or in the first week of December, the Monza autodrome hosts an event for all enthusiasts of extreme motor racing, the Monza Rally Show.

Ready, leave, away ... Box machines

Disputed for the first time in 1978, it collects almost 60,000 fans from all over the world who overtake the city of Monza in the three days of race again after the "invasion" of September for the F1 Grand Prix.

Transport: the train is always the best

Use the train, leave your car in the box ... at home!

As with the Formula One Grand Prix, the presence of people at the racing track and in the neighboring highlands congested roads and parks, creating difficulties in moving the streets. Even in this case, the train is giving a great deal of help to get to the autodrome and races through the Biassono-Lesmo-Parco railway station on the Milano-Molteno-Lecco railway and Lesmo* railway station on the Carnate-Seregno railway; thanks to frequent and cadenced connections it is possible to easily and comfortably reach the site of the competition from all over Lombardia, the major airports and neighboring Switzerland.
If during the Grand Prix, TRENORD , on Sundays, dedicated special trains, this event should be based solely on ordinary trains running normally on Sunday.

* Activate only for the days of Friday 01 December and Saturday 02 December.

Biassono-Lesmo-Parco and Lesmo stations: winning choice!

Biassono-Lesmo-Park and Lesmo: two stations for different arrives:

As mentioned above, the Monza national autodrome, as well as from Monza station itself, can be reached (as near as possible) through two stations, namely:

1) Biassono-Lesmo-Parco on the railway Milano-Monza-Molteno-Lecco, served by a train every 60 minutes from / To Lecco and Milano Porta Garibaldi and 1.4km away from the entrance to the track near the "Piccolo ingresso di Biassono" (about 20 minutes on foot). The station is recommended for those arriving from the south of Lombardia, with the Eurocity from Switzerland stopping at Monza and must use on Sunday.

The time taken by Milan Porta Garibaldi to reach Biassono (and vice versa) is 36 minutes and the cost of 2,50 € / cent (one way)

Biassono-Lesmo-Park Station (1.4 km from the entrance to the track)

2) Lesmo sit on the railway Novara-Brescia (trunk Carnate-Seregno), served by a train every 60 minutes from / To Carnate and Seregno and 3.2 km far from the entrance to the track near the "Piccolo ingresso di Biassono" (about 40 minutes on foot). The station is recommended for those arriving from the west of Lombardia, from Piemonte, from the east of Lombardia, from Veneto, for those arriving in Milan Centrale and those with RegioExpress from Canton Ticino. The stop is not active Sunday, December 03.

The time taken by Milan Centrale to reach Lesmo (and vice versa) is 36 minutes and the cost of 3,60 € / cent (one way)

Lesmo Station (3.2 km from the entrance to the track)

Social media: let everyone know who you train and which station you will use!

If for Formula 1 GPs it is now "traditional" to get there by train, you can not say (entirely) the same thing for the Monza Rally Show; For this reason, we blog of "Carnate-Seregno Railway" have activated two special hastag, if you want, you can share in your posts on Twitter and Facebook to let you know which station you used to get / go from the car, so:

#rallyshowBiassono - If you arrive and depart from Biassono-Lesmo-Parco station.

#rallyshowLesmo - If you arrive and leave from Lesmo station.

@BlogCarna_Sere - Twitter blog page "Carnate Railway - Seregno"


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